What is IBAN Number?
An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is a standardized international code used for sending and receiving international payments. It consists of 34 alphanumeric characters and serves as a unique identifier for a bank account. The IBAN incorporates the account number and sort code in a specific format, ensuring accurate routing and processing of international payments. IBAN is mandatory for transfers to IBAN countries, while non-IBAN countries may require the account number instead.
What is CLABE Code?
The CLABE (Clave Bancaria Estandarizada) is a standardized banking code used for numbering bank accounts in Mexico. It consists of 18 digits and always includes the recipient's bank account number. The CLABE code is essential for international transfers to Mexico and has been a requirement since June 1, 2004. It ensures the accurate and efficient routing of funds to the intended recipient in Mexico.
What is ABA/Fedwire code?
An ABA (American Bankers Association) or Fedwire code is a unique identifier assigned to financial institutions in the United States. It is a nine-digit code used to identify banks when sending or receiving domestic and international transfers within the United States. The ABA/Fedwire code is typically obtained from the payment recipient's bank and may be displayed on the recipient's bank statements.
What is BIC SWIFT code?
A BIC (Bank Identifier Code) or SWIFT code is an internationally recognized standard format for identifying banks and financial institutions globally. It is a unique alphanumeric code used in financial transactions to ensure accurate routing and processing. The BIC/SWIFT code is used when sending or receiving international payments and serves as a reliable means of identifying the recipient's bank.
What is BSB code?
A BSB (Bank-State-Branch) code is a six-digit code used in Australia to identify a specific bank, state, and branch location. It is assigned by the Australian Payments Network and helps facilitate domestic electronic payments and fund transfers within Australia. The BSB code ensures the accurate routing of funds to the intended recipient's bank branch.