If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, please take the following steps to protect yourself and others as soon as possible:
Notify us by emailing support@rzforex.com with details of any transactions you suspect are fraudulent, including account numbers, dates, and values.
Please include a description of how the fraud was carried out, if possible.
If you have accounts at other financial institutions also involved in the fraudulent transaction, notify them immediately using the appropriate fraud reporting mechanisms.
Fraud is a crime and should be reported to your local police department.
We may request a copy of the police report to aid our investigation.
Stop all communication with the suspected fraudsters right away.
Return of funds offers are frequently a continuation of the original scam.
RZ Forex is fully committed to tackling fraud. All notifications of fraud are investigated and dealt with by our policies and procedures and every effort is made to protect our customers and community from fraud.
Fraudsters use a variety of reasons to convince you to send money to them. Avoid scams like these:
Creating panic: Individuals cause panic by sending warnings about suspicious behaviour or claiming that 'an unknown device has accessed your account.' Always double-check before responding.
Fraudsters promote urgency by forcing you to act quickly. Think twice if you're told to 'call urgently' because 'you've missed important calls’.
Fraudsters can also use excessively friendly or professional language to add credibility. Again, make sure to double-check the number, and if in doubt, hang up and call back using the contact number from the official website of the organisation the fraudster claims to be calling from.
Following up on a text with a phone call is tactic fraudsters use to add credibility.
Always check to see if a message from a bank or money service is genuine.