Please select the account you wish to make a payment from in the account selection search bar, and then enter the amount you want to pay in the input field below.
Please select the beneficiary for this payment. If you find that the beneficiary for this payment is new, you can click on the blue "Create New Beneficiary" hyperlink. This will redirect you to the beneficiary creation page, where you can complete the beneficiary's profile.
Once the beneficiary is created, you can return to the payment page to proceed with this payment.
When making this payment, please ensure that you provide the necessary information in the Payment advice, Reference, and Notes.
Please note that the Payment advice supports file uploads of up to 5MB in PDF, JPG, or PNG format. You can upload invoices or other relevant documents in this field.
The content entered in the reference will be displayed to the beneficiary. You can include information such as invoice numbers or order numbers in this field.
The content entered in the notes will be displayed to yourself. You can add any relevant notes or remarks related to this payment for future management and reference.
After filling in the above information, click "Submit" to complete the payment process.
Bulk Payment
If you would like to do Bulk payment, go to tab Bulk Payment, and download the template by selecting the currency and payment method.
After open the file that you just downloaded, input the following details:
- Approved Beneficiary Reference Number (You can check this under the beneficiary tab)
- Amount: the amount that you would like to Pay
- Payment Reference (e.g. Invoice or order number)
- Notes: Notes that you would like to take on this payment (Compulsory)
After that, upload your filled in document to the portal, please making sure you have selected the correct currency and payment method on the right top corner before uploading the document.
The System will process your uploaded document and display the info that you filled in. After that, click Process to proceed your bulk payment request.